最好描述为融合⻝品,kilo的菜单从世界各地的不同美⻝中汲取灵感,并借鉴其所有者和厨师的传 统。Kilo的⻝品⽅向是创始⼈之间合作和不断完善的结果。它讲述了我们创始⼈的故事——两位拉丁 美洲男⼦在亚洲扎根,并从他们在该地区的旅⾏和经验中汲取灵感。结果是⼀种最好描述为精致舒 适⻝品的美⻝。菜单包括⼤量的开胃菜推荐分享(在⽣、⼩和沙拉部分下)以及主菜选择(所有⼈ 都是为了⼀个)和甜点(甜点)。
We make online reservations through whatsapp number,
click the button and see you soon!
We accept bookings for large groups, so we can celebrate
big with you. Group reservations are open two weeks
in advance.
This unique modern minimalist space is now available
customized to suit your specific needs.
Kilo at Home is the newest addition to Kilo Group services in
response to the increasing demand for the outlets to cater
for special occasions and events anywhere by customer
Join the Kilo Membership and enjoy member-only discounts,
complimentary dishes on special occasions, and exclusive
WhatsApp us